Czech-Korean Society (CKS, Prague), Association of International Affairs (AMO, Prague), Polish Institute of International Affairs (Warsaw), Institute of East Asian Studies (Bratislava), and Central and Eastern European Center for Asian Studies (Budapest) are happy to annouce a joint capacity-building project, supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Entrepreneurs, scholars and scientists from CEE who innovate or plan to engage with East Asian (EA) partners will meet at a forum in Prague in May 2016, where they develop, share and transfer experiences and best practices. The capacity-building forum will serve as an opening initiative for a systematic support of R&D cooperation between the two regions. The forum outcomes will be made available on-line at as a multimedia know-how hub and a learning tool for new projects with EA partners.
Detailed project description:
EA countries gradually invest more funds into R&D projects and into the creation of innovation environment. South Korea, Japan and Taiwan have long taken the lead the in R&D spending (as % of GDP) and China quickly catches up. Therefore many opportunities for cooperation with EA countries arise in various fields of applied science.
In order to foster joint cooperation EA countries set up innovation centres mainly in western EU states and even though the R&D potential of CEE countries has recently advanced, they are yet to be included in these R&D initiatives. Considering the strong FDI presence of EA countries in the CEE region, a smooth transition from the unilateral involvement in the secondary sector to a more balanced collaboration in applied science should be a priority.
Among major limitations of joint R&D attempts are prejudices on the side of CEE entrepreneurs related to intellectual property protection, technology transfers and overall societal attitudes in EA countries. CEE entrepreneurs need more encouragement, case studies, good practices exchange and inspiration sharing in order to actively search for cooperation with EA partners. Opportunities for such knowledge transfer are limited.
To this end, a forum will be organized that will showcase case studies of CEE&EA cooperative projects in the following areas: clean energy (1), environment protection (2), smart cities (3), and ICT (4). Speakers from each Visegrad country will attend the forum to share their knowledge. Ensuring the continuation of the project, a website with video profiles presenting case studies and other resources will be created to serve as learning and networking tool for future CEE & EA cooperative projects.